Fast Clip Design UX: When the user finds a synchronous video+slide section — suddenly!
The use of the word suddenly here is intentional — it’s a new situation. The idea of the new is here not exactly aiming from your nice feedback but in reality it’s quite important to map the “new” in terms of the old and to understand how the user will perceive this feature in the realm of her known situations.
In other words, can we express the sudden appearance of a video+slides section in terms of existing situations? Being situations you found in games, TV, live lecture by a professor — who knows. And if yes or no, depending on the level of complexity, how can we guide the user towards it?
Let’s look at some scenarios
The Single Video Citation in an Article
Multimodal Video+Slide Section in the middle of an article
There is an article — quite long perhaps and made of many sections. At some point, the user finds a section that looks different: A new section with a video on the right hand side and one single card on the left.
The user does not know but the card on the left relates to the video and if the user clicks in the card, or plays the video, the audio play and a timeline appears on top of the card to signal the position of the “video citation”.
Multiple Video Citations in the Desktop
Multimodal Video+Slides (multiple) section in the middle of an article
In this case, the user enters a section. In the sample, there is no auto play, so there is first the problem of “how to start playing”. In this sample, as the user clicks the video play button, it starts to play and synchronizes the slide card — notice the timeline for the slide section relative to the video portion.
Multiple Video Citations “Cards” 2 — Mobile View
In the following demo, as the user is navigating using a mobile device, she suddenly reaches out to the section with a sticky video and sections related to it:
Examples with playback (user clicked play in the video)
For the above examples, it would be more meaningful to actually put real content in each slide. As it is shown the problem is that many sections are shown “at once”— a situation that could happen if sections are created with almost zero content —Like subtitles?
Here is an example with more content in it:
Video with Annotations, Card by Card — mobile view
More meaningful example with more content within the slide card: