Competition analysis — Visiting Sam Network “Case lecture”
2 min readJan 24, 2019
Executive summary — this video is Marcio’s realtime reflection narrative, visiting the Sam Network web site and experiencing curated content about entrepreneurship. Some points of this reflection:
- The sectioning of the timeline was intuitive and allowed a grasp (such as jump to section) for the moments of the lecture — with the key points and notions around a video section, was a very interesting experience, also in alignment with the proposed Fast Clip; as shown at the end of the video however FastClip seems to focus better in allowing users to share such section/moments.
- Site showed a simplified index with meta-data that indexed key values of the talk — they properly displayed tags such as “entrepreneurship” or data indicating that a given time of the presentation related to a historical event.
- Individual comments on top of the video seemed to be scattered and lacked aggregated value — was a bit confusing to see individual comments on top of the synchronisation experience when playing, assuming it as working as shown — seemed to focus in individual comments that may not be aggregated in contrast with the the “card concept” shown at the end of the video in the Fast Clip prototype demo. However this area, in the opinion of Marcio, is indeed confusing in general because users may simply send comments for sections anyway. The question remains, how to make users collaborate in constructing a text? should they? Nevertheless the idea of a card relates to a more elaborated content for a section.
Other comments
- Sam Network have about 7000 pages — the pages are related to the curated content, the whole video with the metadata; thus not the individual pages/sections/comments for videos.